Monday, August 07, 2006

little miss sunshine...saw this movie over the weekend. holy shit what a great movie. i cannont recommend this movie enough, and no, this is not one of those "weird artsy" movies that greg/paul likes but everyone else hates. everyone i know that has seen it has loved it. honestly, i cannot comprehend someone not liking this movie, it's that funny/good. it also go a 92% on rotten tomatoes, which is quite high. enough hyping, just go see it.

eagles...first preseason game was yesterday. i understand most of the people who will read this blog could care less about proffesional football, but it's my blog and i do, so deal with it. the first team offense/defense only played a couple of series and both looked really good, especially the defense. i think they're out to prove all those doubters wrong and are in for a monster year, especially the defensive line, they're ridiculiously good. i hope the young receivers come along well because i think they have talent, just no experience. i wouldn't mind seeing lelie or porter added to the mix but i know that's a long shot. mcnabb, westbrook, and the entire offensive line looked good in their one series together. the same can't be said for our 2nd and 3rd teams, ouch. lets hope this is a very healthy season for the eagles or we're in trouble.

happy belated birthday to my sis, dee, apollo, and meg


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