Wednesday, October 11, 2006

comments...use them people, i know my poem wasn't that bad.

recap...apollo and elaine's wedding was this weekend and wow, what an amazing wedding it was. the had an entire room set up for a buffet cocktail hour. not just little cheese bites with crackers, they had roast lamb, pork, pasta, jumbo shrimp, and soooo much more. they even had an ice luge that a waitress was standing next to and who would pour vodka down for you to catch in your shot glass, it was ridiculious. the only "cocktail hour"-ish about it was the slightly smaller plates they had, which actually ended up being needed because if not, everyone would've been waaay to full for dinner. so after cocktail hour, you take your seats in this huge ballroom with 24 tables, 2 bars and a dance floor. they then showed a video of the happy couple (very well done) and introduce the wedding party like usual. of course there's drinking going on throughout so everyone's pretty happy. after that dinner comes....first, salad/bread, then a palette cleanser, then dinner which consisted of salmon or a steak/chicken entree. if you know me at all you know i got the steak/chicken, which was f-in amazing. finally, there was a serving of coffee or tea. now, if that was enough than it would've still been the nicest wedding i've ever been to, but no, it wasn't done yet. about 30 minutes later they opened up a wall that led to huge room where the cocktail hour was held before FULL OF DESSERT. i cannot stress how much chocolate was in this room. they had a chocolate fountain for dipping oreo's, rice krispie treats, strawberry's, and etc in. an entire wall dedicated to cakes, including the wedding cake of course. and a full sundae bar where they would sear toppings of your liking to put on your was like willy wonka and the chocolate factory...literally...well, minus the creepy guy with a purple hat. i gained a minimum of 5 pounds tha night. anyway, besides the food the wedding was also amazing. elaine looked gorgeous as usual and apollo didn't puke/run away, so that's a plus.

good quote...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?"

well i'm sure you're tired of reading by now, so i'm done.


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