Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Well, it's that time of year again. The Eagles training camp started a few weeks back and we finally get to see our 2008 Eagles in action for the first time on Friday night. Every year (at least for the past 8 or so) I've gone into training camp with a sincer belief that this could be the year they win it all. I mean, if the New York Giants with spaztastic Eli can win the Super Bowl, than anyone can (I can't wait when the Giants come crashing back down to Earth this year). I'm not going to sit and deny the fact that the Eagles window for success is closing and that this could very well be the final year for this core group of players to win it all, but I do honestly believe they have a chance this year. Unfortunately, I think the NFC in general is a much better conference (along with the NFC East) than it has been in years past, but in general, the Eagles have 2 or 3 strong teams to overcome, just like they always do.

Cowboys - Scary talented but could implode. I mean come on, TO and Pacman on the same team?!?!
Giants - Eli returns to his 4th quarter interception throwing ways.
Redskins - Could surprise but a lot of unknowns.

Vikings - Scary good D and a hell of a running game but absolutely no threat at QB.
Packers - I think last year was more of an aberration than anything, Favre or not.
Lions - Not unless their defense wakes up.
Chicago - Always a threat but they have an even worse QB situation than the Vikes. Rex "Fuck it, I'm throwing downfield" Grossman :)

Rams - Eh, talented but last year was just horrible.
49ers - Could be a sleeper but I think they're a couple years away.
Cardinals - Not until they are able to start holding on to their stars and keep them happy.
Seahawks - Probably the most consistent threat year in and year out, but they always seem a few players short.

Saints - My "sleeper" team. With Vilma coming in their defense could get A LOT better.
Bucs - Another aberration last year. Decent but still short in a few key areas.
Panthers - Fox is a great coach and is always one to worry about. Still, Delhomme has never and will never scare me.
Falcons - HA!!! 0-16?

Not exactly the AFC but some teams that on paper at least, look as good if not better than the Eagles. I think if we can get back to that crazy, come at you from all directions, kind of offense from a few years back, this team could really, really good. I still think we need a #1 receiver and I regardless of what the O does, I don't see them being better than the 2004 edition starring TO. However, this years D looks a lot better/deeper, and our special teams will hopefully come back to elite status thanks to some key signing and the drafting of DJax. Bottom line: if the Birds stay healthy, the D performs as well as it could, and Andy goes back to the mad scientist type of play calling, the Eagles will be in the Championship game again fighting to get to the SuperBowl.


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