Tuesday, April 10, 2007

you have to love living in a world (country) where in the past 48 hours, information regarding a radio host using a racial slur, has been the leading news story on a major broadcasting companies website (cnn). literally, for the past 2 days something regarding this stupid and meaningless comment made by an equally meaningless radio host has been the front page story on cnn.com. yes, the guy used a phrase that stereotypes african american women, but come on, "nappy-haired ho's" is worth 2 days of news when their are astronomically more important things going on in the world? first off, apparently this imus guy uses the word "ho" all the time. not that i'm condoning it but it takes a little bit of the edge off if he calls everyone hoes (including his wife) in a joking manner as opposed to one group of females. secondly, "nappy" isn't exactly the more serious n word. if he did use the n word, i could understand this level of anger since he is using a racial slur that's derogatory to a whole race of people. on a slightly different level than saying a group of girls has fuzzy hair. an article i read today made a good point about how kids will read in the news how it is reprehensible to stereotype a group of females in such a way that this guy did, and then go home and watch music videos of their favorite rap artists sing about how many women they "own" or how they're worthless. either that or open up a magazine and see such strong female role models like paris hilton and fergie...

"all my girls get down on the floor,
back to back, drop it down real low.
i’m such a lady, but i’m dancing like a ho,
‘cause you know
i don’t give a fuck, so here we go!"

...puuuuure class

i also love how people get all worked up cause some ignorant radio personality says something stupid, and yet when someone purposely uses a seriously derogatory term, like when ann coultier (a.k.a. satan, in blonde form) called john edwards a "faggot," there is a report about it and then it gets forgotten. no one was demanding the republican party disaffiliate themselves with her, or that her book publisher terminate her contract, like everyone is doing with this imus whack. which brings me to another person i have strong feelings of dislike towards, reverend al sharpton. here is a good article on what a hypocrite and racist mr sharpton is...


the only reason he is making such a big deal out of this is simply for image. he doesn't really give a shit about rutgers girls basketball team, all he cares about it getting noticed and making more of a name for himself. either that or he really does see himself as the savior for all african americans.

the bottom line is that some dipshit on the radio made an ignorant mistake, apologized for it repeatedly, and got suspended for his job for 2 weeks. i've read he repeatedly uses racial slurs attacking all type of people. therefore, he should lose his job, not only because of this most recent incident, but because there is no room on a major radio station for ignorance.

besides that, people have to stop being so damn sensitive. i am well aware that being a white male i am in the majority of the majority and i have little experience with racism directed at me, but it is more a case of ignorance than racism. ignorance is rampant in this country and until you start attacking each and every case equally, and while i hope he does, demanding one guy lose his job is not going to solve anything.

on a related note, even though i wasn't even alive, this stuff makes me miss great leaders like martin luther king and mohandas ghandi even more. seriously, can you name one great leader in the world today? someone who is more interested in peace and freedom rather than war and division. someone who preaches tolerance, acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness instead of spitting hate and stirring up violence. i've tried to think of one all morning and i came up with nothing. bono with his attempt to rid hunger in africa? angelina jolie trying to adopt every poor kid in the world? not one person alive today, that i can think of, can be described a great leader on a worldly scale. it makes me sad to think the children of today are growing up without a hero to look up to. it makes parents who fill that void, all the more important. maybe they are out there, much like paul rusesabagina who's story was told in the movie hotel rwanda, but if they are, you do no hear about them. instead, all you hear about is a caucasian radio host calling a team of african american "nappy headed ho's." cause in the news today, ignorance always triumphs over awareness.

ps...the phillies really suck, i mean like 'makes you miss the flyers' suck.


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