Saturday, September 13, 2008

There was an email making its way across the internets which used a pretty heavy load of sarcasm to make fun of Democrats and their so called beliefs. Of course, this prompted a response by Democrats to create their own version of the email, only this time bashing Republicans. Now, I admit, I do tend to be more left of center than right, but that does not mean Democrats are always right and Republicans are always wrong in my mind. What I really despise the most about these elections and the bickering they cause, are the blatant lies they use to make the other party appear nuts or out of touch with reality. Therefore, I decided I would write down my opinion based on the facts that I have found regarding each "accusation". Please remember, these are mostly just my opinion and if any of the facts I have used are incorrect, please feel free to let me know. Thanks!

First the Republican bashing...
I'm voting Republican because being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

It’s still a crime regardless of who does them. There’s no denying that celebrities get away with drug use a lot more than common people, but this applies to sports and movie stars just as much as it does to a conservative radio host. Also, regardless of if you agree with someone or not, they still deserve your prayers or well wishes.

I'm voting Republican because Government should relax regulation of Big Business and Big Money but crack down on individuals who use marijuana to relieve the pain of illness.

The crack down of medical marijuana is ridiculous. Stick to the constitution and make this a state matter. I am for the regulation of big business in regards to preventing monopolies, cost fixing, and screwing over american in general (see: net neutrality). However, I think there are a lot of regulations on business that in place just for the sake of being in place.

I'm voting Republican because "Standing Tall for America" means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.

Eh, to my understanding this is oversimplifying the issue. Yes, McCain has voted against laws that would penalize companies who outsource their workforce. However, most economists see this has a way of keeping US businesses competitive in foreign markets. This is a tricky topic because it basically boils down to if you believe lowering taxes on companies in general will encourage them to keep jobs in the US, or will helping companies who do keep jobs here and taxing others is the way to go. All I know is it’s still happening and something has to be done to help the situation.

I'm voting Republican because a woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

Ahh the abortion debate. I’m a firm believer in letting people make their own decision based on their own beliefs, but again, I say leave it up to the state. The federal government should have no right enforcing their own beliefs on the public. I don’t think anyone is denying that corporations have the ability to make decisions that affect all mankind. I believe this goes back to the anti-monopoly policy of regulation, and if that doesn’t work, I ask, who should be responsible for regulating these corporations? The government or the people?

I'm voting Republican because Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

No one in their right mind can deny the affiliation between evangelical Christians and the Republican party. And since I have an extremely strong belief in the separation of church and state, I am very much against such an affiliation. However, lets not lump all Republican in bible thumping evangelicals.

I'm voting Republican because the best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches while slashing veterans' benefits and combat pay.

I have some friends who work in the VA and there is no denying that the benefits for veterans is nowhere near enough. If you send young men and women off to war, it should be your duty to make sure they have all the physical and psychological care they need when they return. To me, this is undebatable. From what I can gather Bush was good at increasing veteran benefits until 2004, and since, has proposed budgets that cut them. Also, McCain seems to have a voting record which signifies being against the raising of benefits for veterans. The question is if you believe Obama who has made a point of talking about this and promising to increase them. If both are promising one thing, I would take the one who has no record rather than the one who’s own record does not support such a promise.

I'm voting Republican because group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for governor of California as a Republican.

I don’t like pointing out specific politicians on one side or the other because chances are, there’s someone who did the same exact thing on the other end of the isle.

I'm voting Republican because if condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.

Abstinence only education is ridiculous. Yes, teaching abstinence as an alternative to sex is important but you better mention safe sex as well. Again, I believe this is another example of the federal government enforcing their religious beliefs on it’s people.

I'm voting Republican because a good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.

I’m against the Iraq war. I believe we have to win back our allies and try to mind our own business in the world. Unless there’s a legitimate threat (you know, one that the rest of the world is actually in agreement with) or a country (or people) desperately need our help, than lets solve our own problems first.

I'm voting Republican because HMOs and insurance companies have the interest of the public at heart.

While I am not sure how I feel about my taxes paying for someone’s health insurance who simply is to apathetic to get a job, I do believe our government is better suited to handle health care than companies with a bottom line. Decisions regarding someone’s health should not be made with a profit margin in mind, it should be as straightforward as possible.

I'm voting Republican because providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.

I am not aware of this issue so I can’t comment.

I'm voting Republican because global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

Ha, never thought of this one. First off, I really would like to know whoever said tabacco wasn’t linked to cancer because their f-ing nuts. In regards to man made global warming, there are extremely well respected scientists on both sides of the fence so I’m withholding my opinion until more facts are discovered. However, to me, how the hell is it a bad idea to curb CO2 emissions in the world? Even if you do think global warming is a natural phenomenon or that’s it just complete BS, how can you argue against putting less pollution in the air? In my mind, that can never be a bad thing. Plus, I believe ending our dependence on oil is in the top 3 of the most important crisis’ facing our country right now.
Don’t even get me started on creationism. You cannot teach a religious belief to children in public schools. This goes COMPLETELY against what the founding fathers wanted and every american should be appalled at the simple thought of this happening. Teach science to what we has humans know now. Even if by some astrologically long chance evolution is proved wrong, at least it can be proven and we could in turn fix it. Teaching med students in the 50’s that a lobotomy was a good practice turned out to be wrong, but at least we could prove it was wrong and fix our mistake, we will never be able to prove god doesn’t exist (or that he does).

I'm voting Republican because Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

Suddam was an asshole. He shouldn’t have been in charge of a country but going to war with Iraq was still a bad idea. It sounds cold but if a country is fed up with its dictatorship, than it should revolt. It has worked in the past and it will work in the future. This also goes back to minding our own business because we screwed up by putting him into power in the first place.

I'm voting Republican because a president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.

I completely agree with this. If by some miracle evidence is ever discovered linking Bush and the Iraq war to a companies profit (::cough::haliburton::cough) or that he knowingly lied to americans than he should be tried for war crimes.

I'm voting Republican because Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

Absolutely the government should try to limit it’s powers to those defined to the constitution as best they can. However, the purpose of this country was to escape judgement by those who believe differently then us, whether they be government or individuals. I believe this great country was set up with intent to limit the government as much as possible and put the power into the hands of the people. Banning gay marriage and censoring the internet (or radio or tv) are not things a minimalist government would do or have any say in.

I'm voting Republican because the public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George Bush's driving record is none of our business.

If you’re a public figure than anything that reflects your character is fair game, regardless if you’re on the left or right or down the middle.

I'm voting Republican because what Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the '80s is irrelevant.

Every president this country has ever had or ever will have has screwed up. As long as it wasn’t severely criminal than who cares?

I'm voting Republican because trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.

I’m convinced the Cuba thing is just one big grudge the US has. Let’s just admit the obvious, we trade with China because doing so is vital to the US economy (mostly because the place is f-ing HUGE). We don’t trade with Cuba because we can survive without them. If China was 1/100th the size that it actually is, we would be banning trade with them as well based on our high moral standards.

And now the Democrat bashing...

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I freaking hate this bullshit “rational.” Which party is currently the one spending billions upon billions of dollars on an unnecessary war which has only made the world less safe? When was the last time we actually had a surplus in our national budget? Oh yea, a democrat was in office. How the hell do they still get away with using this nonsense? Not only is it false, it’s completely and utterly backwards.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe I need to pay more in taxes so that the federal government can give more to those who have no desire to work for a living.

I am against welfare freeloaders as much as anyone, but please stop saying that we will pay more taxes if Obama wins the presidency. He has said time and time again that 95% of American will get a tax break. Now, if you’re in that top 5% you will end up paying more, but chances are, you’re not. I have no problem with people having the opinion that rich people shouldn’t pay any higher of a percentage of their salary than low to middle income people. To me, that’s a sound argument which is debatable and could be understood, even if you disagree. But please stop acting like if Obama wins we will all be screwed with higher taxes.....we won’t!!!

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe three or four pointy headed elitist liberals need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.

haha Obama the elitist. Yeah cause he’s the one with 7 houses, right? What a joke.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe oil companies' profits of 10% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 18% isn't.

The oil companies should have to pay the same percentage of taxes that any other company importing a good should. I don’t think the oil companies should be able to be in bed together and fix the price of gas across the board. That is a multi-business monopoly.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe that paying $4.00 a gallon or more is no reason to drill for the mountain of oil we are sitting on in THIS country.

We are not sitting on that much oil in the first place. Second, I am not against drilling in this country because I’m a “tree hugger.” I’m against drilling in this country because doing so is giving in to the over speculating oil companies. Hmm, I have an idea, lets speculate that oil is going to become extremely expensive and raise a gallon of gas to $4.00. Then, we can tell politicians in Washington that if only they would let us drill offshore, we could drop prices, and then when they do so, we’ll drop prices by .50 cents. We will still end up charging more than we were when we began “speculating”, and we will have gained the opportunity to drill offshore. What’s the downside for us? If we allow this kind of bullying to take place, there will be no end. The oil companies will own Washington, even more than they already do.

I'm voting Democrat because: I want the Islamo-Fascist terrorist who want all nonbelievers (Infidels) converted to Islam or killed, to be just like us and want to drive $50,000 SUV's just like we do.

This will never happen. Again, it’s a different culture and we should mind our own business. However, aren’t the Republicans the one’s trying to enforce democracy on every other country in the world? Seems to me like their the one’s trying to get those “Islamo-Fascists” to be like us.

I'm voting Democrat because: I want the repressive dictators of Iran, Syria, China, North Korea, Russia and Venezuela to respect America.

You don’t necessarily have to respect the leader of a country (see: current America) but you do have to respect the country and it’s people. I’m a firm believer in diplomacy first.

I'm voting Democrat because: Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it (politically correct).

Oh get off your high horse. If you walked into Walmart and they said Happy Kwanza, you would be just as offended as a Muslim being told Merry Christmas. I think everyone needs to suck it up in regards to their feelings getting hurt, but don’t act like the Democrats are the ones crying bloody murder every time something remotely un-PC gets said.

I'm voting Democrat because: I don't want to eat poison food, breathe polluted air and drink dirty water. We all know Republicans love that stuff!

I don’t believe Republicans love that stuff, but I do believe that a lot of them have their corporate buddies interests in mind when they make policy decisions. And to be far, there are Democrats that are just as guilty. However, in regards to McCain and Obama, I’ll take Obama every time.

I'm voting Democrat because: When someone breaks into my house to rob me, I don't want to have any guns in the house to fight them off with.

This is complete bullshit again. No politician wants to take away your 2nd amendment right to bear arms for protection. It is a matter of opinion, however, if uzi’s are necessary for self defense.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe that business should NOT be allowed to make profits. They need to break even and give the rest away to the employees.

This is another ridiculous over exaggeration. Yes, sometimes I don’t agree with the Democrats view on how far to regulate or tax companies, but don’t act like they are these radical socialists out to fulfill Marx’s will.

I'm voting Democrat because: I don't want Doctors who were at the top of their classes to make decisions regarding my healthcare, I want a government employee who makes $30k a year make that decision for the doctor.

haha cause right now a doctor is making the call on your healthcare right? What bullshit. Right now some deep pocketed jackass at Blue Cross Blue Shield is deciding whether or not that procedure you need to live a decent life will be covered, NOT the doctor. I’ll put my faith into my elected officials in regards to making a possible life saving decision over an corporate fatcat with a bottom line any day.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN in fact tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

Yes, because Glenn Hurrican Schwatz (hello fellow Philadelphians) is the one drilling ice cores in the Artic for global warming research. Like I said before, there are well respected scientists on both sides of the fence and while the consensus is leaning towards man having a part in global warming, lets reserve the bickering until all the facts are in.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe that the military is a bunch of badly behaved men and women who are hell bent on killing and just want to blow things up.

Absolutely ridiculous. Yes, the Democrats think the military is full of such despicable people that they’re the one’s fighting for them to come home soon, and for their benefits for when they do finally come home. Please, THINK before you type.

I'm voting Democrat because: I believe that universal healthcare coverage is not Socialized Medicine.

See above. I’ll let my elected official (Democrat OR Republican) make a decision that could save my life any day instead of a company with a bottom line.

I'm voting Democrat because: I'm all for CHANGE!

Yes, compared to the last 8 years, change is pretty much the biggest thing I want.


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