Thursday, April 26, 2007

First, watch this video. Apparently, the band (I think) donates 49 cents for every time this video is watched. Plus, it's a good song.

How can anyone, conservative or liberal, show any support for this president and his cabinet? It is quite obvious that the war in Iraq is no more about freedom and fighting terrorism than money. Jersey's own senator Frank Lautenberg led an analysis that showed our Vice President still owns over 300,000 stocks in the infamous war-profiting company Haliburton. Those shares, the ones he denies owning, have risen 3,281% over the previous year, from $241,498 to more than $8 million. Read about it here.

Anyone remotely interested in this and with a couple hours to kill should absolutely watch the movie "Why We Fight." It does an excellent job in describing the military-industrial complex. Basically, war has become extremely profitable due to the privatizing of our military.

Also, what happened to the two Republican candidates who I thought were actually worth considering a vote for? I'm talking about Presidential hopefuls John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. Granted, I do agree with Obama and Edwards (Clinton is a another story, ugh) stances on key issues much more than I ever did with those two, even before their recent decline (in my eyes). It seems to me McCain used to be the one Republican that would go against the current and actually stand up for what he believed in, regardless of party lines. Which, whether you agree or not, you have to admire in politics today. Giuliani, well he at least came off as a class guy who had sympathy and seemed to be of very genuine character. Now after both of their recent rants, McCain with his unfounded support for Bush's "new policy" on Iraq, and Giuliani with his rant about how electing a Democrat equals death to Americans. A great piece by Keith Olbermann attacking the statements made by Giuliani can be found here. I know it's hard to trust anyone on tv since it's pretty safe to assume any speech being made by a public figure was written beforehand by someone other than themselves. But even if that is true with Olbermann, he delivers it in such a concise and passionate way, it is hard not to applaud him. Anyway, the two Republican candidates that I actually had hoped would make my decision come November of 2008 a a difficult one, seem to be the same talking heads I hate most about politics, whether Democrat or Republican.

I'm tired of the fear mongering that this current presidency and the Republican party in general have been pushing on us. How if you don't support their views you are anti-American and "not supporting the troops." I have more respect and admiration for those men and woman over in Iraq than I will ever have for the people that (pointlessly) are keeping them there. There is no excuse for us still being there when it is a CIVIL war between two conflicting faiths that we have no control over. Our presence there is simply causing more instability in a region that has to create stability themselves, not wait for us to do it for them. My favorite line the talking heads spit out is how, if we leave too soon, we will have created a safe haven for terrorists to grow in and attack America from. Even if you do support that opinion, (Which I do not, how do you irradicate a hatred for America by doing the very things that caused them to hate us in the first place?) how do they explain that the real enemy Mr. Bin Laden is still currently out there plotting and readying his next terrorist attack? I'm not sure, but I think about 99.99999999% of Americans would feel a hell of a lot safer knowing Bin Laden was dead or in jail over some unorganized terrorist factions in Iraq, the one's we're remaining there to stop so they don't have a "safe haven."

Bottom line is, Iraq=money for this cabinet. I vote impeach.


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