Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I am sick and tired of the apathy in this country I see everyday. From people on message boards just complaining about our governments actions and not doing a thing to actually stop them, to blogs informing its readers about atrocities but not empowering them to do anything about it. Today I decided I would (try to) make it easier for everyone who comes across this page to use as little energy as possible in order to help in what is considered one of the worst, if not the worst, atrocity occurring today, the genocide in Sudan. Please, take 5 minutes and write your Senator. First, some links in case you live in a box and have no prior knowledge to the event I am speaking about...


Click on the following link to look up your Senators contact page.

US Senator's contact pages

After navigating to your senator's contact page fill in the information required. Then, copy and past (if you want, or write your own) the generic email I created for you to fill in the comment box.


Dear Senator,

I am writing to you as a citizen of our state who is very concerned with the current conflict in Darfur, Sudan. I support the general consensus that what is happening there can be characterized as genocide. In a world where unlimited access to world news and information is at Americans fingertips, ignorance is no longer a convenient excuse, but a blatant, barbaric choice. Such ignorance cannot be associated with the government of, what is considered by many to be, the greatest country in the world. The language I choose is not meant to demean you or any other member of the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of government, but I see no other more appropriate word to describe the lack of action we, as a country and a key member of the United Nations, have taken. I understand most foreign affairs must be dealt with in a politically sensitive way, but it is my opinion that an atrocity such as the genocide in Darfur cannot and should not be dealt with in this way. Direct action must be taken. Whether those actions are taken on the platform of politics, foreign interests, or simply on basic human morals, they must be done without further hesitation. I ask you as a voting citizen of ***fill in state***, to please make any effort you can for the United States or United Nations immediate and strong involvement to end this conflict. Thank you for your time.


Finally, click submit.

One email might not do anything, but if we send enough I hope we can make a difference. Even if we our simply showing our concern and how our assumed apathy can be taken for granted no more.

Since I've noticed digg is frequented by many citizens of the UK and Australia, here are links to their respective parliaments and their contact information. Obviously, some changes would have to be made in the above email, but this genocide is a global problem and we should all do something to stop it.

Parliament of Australia

UK Parliament

Any constructive criticism regarding my email or this post in general would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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