Sunday, November 06, 2011


New type of post I’ll try to share fairly frequently called “real shit I learned.” I have quite the reputation for having the most random facts rattling around in my head. The creation of Wikipedia has quite possibly had more effect on my life than Cafe Du Monde coffee. Generally, I go looking for some specific information but inevitably hours will pass as I go on tangent after tangent reading through its pages.

Well, yesterday I randomly had the movie “The Ghost and The Darkness” pop into my head. Tangent: I know it’s grammatically incorrect to capitalize a trivial work such as “the” in the title of a movie but technically it’s a name since the two man-eating lions were called “The Ghost” and “The Darkness”. Am I wrong? Anyway, this random movie from my high school years came into my head and I felt the urge to look up if such man-eating lions actually do exist. Well, they do, since the movie was based on the true events surrounding the killings of 35-135 men in the African town of Tsavo, Kenya. Basically, these two maneless lions pictured here…

terrorized a camp of workers who were building a railroad for the British. Over a matter of months these lions not only attacked the men during the day, but also went into the camps at night and took the men as they slept! I don’t know about you but knowing a man-eating lion was walking around outside my tent is right up there with diarrhea as the number one cause for insomnia. Seriously, after the 2nd or 3rd guy was kidnapped by a lion I think I’d find a new career path. Anyway, these two lions killed a bunch of people and were finally shot by some badass bridge builder/colonel/hunter named John Henry Patterson after months of trying. Like any rational human being who just killed the most horrifying animals to have ever existed (I’m honestly trying to think of an actual animal that’s worse….nope, none), he kept the skins of the two lions for rugs before donating them to Chicago’s Museum of Natural History where they were stuffed and put on display (which is the picture above). Oh, and these weren’t just your normal run of the mill 5ft to 8ft lions, no these bastards were over 9ft long from nose to tail.

Also, I learned Liger’s are the biggest felines in the world. Just fyi.


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