Sunday, November 06, 2011

The Exception

I believe in the exception
The men who go beyond the status of hero
They are the closest and the farthest from ordinary
Such men prove, through our whimsical deeds of good,
The same ones who help us sleep the sounder sleep,
That the trading of trivial benevolence for piece of mind
Is a disregard for which we are all culpable of

I believe in the exception
The nullifiers of convention and stereotypes
They open our eyes to our beloved ignorance
An ignorance of appalling magnitude
The type of which we hold so tight
For the world’s realities are too much of a burden
Not worthy of being bothered with

I believe in the exception
The one inside of every man
The few who open their eyes to man’s injustice
Create and breathe amends for their blindness
Minds who awaken to the genocide of decency
Yet choose the immune life of preaching false ethics
With shrugged shoulders and empty words of remorse
Continue to be the majority, the authority
Perhaps the day when the exception becomes the rule
The sleep slept of soundness and peace
Will be shared throughout the world


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